

Required licenses

EasyGauge, EasyObject

Recommended images

Any image from the folder Sample Images\EasyGauge


[…]C:\Users\Public\Documents\Euresys\Open eVision 24.02\Sample Programs
\[LANGUAGE] samples
\Matching and Measurement\EasyGaugeRegion


This sample program demonstrates how to:

Load an image and apply a gauge from EasyGauge, chosen between a Rectangle Gauge and a Circle Gauge.
Create a region corresponding to the gauge from the result.
Perform a blob encoding operation on it.
The color of each blob is assigned depending on its center position; thus, the colors change when you move the gauge

Code highlights

1. Perform the measurement with ECircleGauge.
// Measure a circle
ECircleGauge m_CircleGauge;
2. Build an ERegion from the resulting circle.

// Use measured circle to create corresponding region
ERegion* m_pRegion;
m_pRegion = new ECircleRegion(m_CircleGauge.GetMeasuredCircle());
3. Perform the blob encoding inside that region.

// Use EasyObject on the region
EImageEncoder m_Encoder;
m_Encoder.Encode(m_Image, *m_pRegion, m_CodedImage);
4. Draw the encoded object with different colors.
ERGBColor colors[] = {
    ERGBColor(255, 0, 0),
    ERGBColor(0, 255, 0),
    ERGBColor(0, 0, 255),
    ERGBColor(255, 0, 255),
    ERGBColor(255, 255, 0),
    ERGBColor(0, 255, 255),
    ERGBColor(150, 50, 200),
    ERGBColor(50, 200, 150),
    ERGBColor(200, 150, 50)
for (int i = 0; i < codedImage.GetObjCount(); i++)
  EObject& obj = codedImage.GetObj(i);
  int colorIdx = ((int)(obj.GetBoundingBoxCenterX() + obj.GetBoundingBoxCenterY()) / 10) % 9;
  codedImage.Draw(drawAdapter.GetHDC(), colors[colorIdx], obj);