

Required licenses


Recommended images

The images Washer and Target 1 from the folder Sample Images\EasyGauge


[…]C:\Users\Public\Documents\Euresys\Open eVision 24.02\Sample Programs
\[LANGUAGE] samples
\Matching and Measurement\EasyObjectInertia


This sample program demonstrates how to:

Find blobs (objects or holes that have the same gray level range) in the image.
Keep only the blobs whose area is in a given range.

Code highlights

1. Define an image encoder to encode an image (m_Image) into an object ECodedImage2 (m_CodedImage).
EImageEncoder encoder;
encoder.Encode(m_Image, m_CodedImage);
2. Add the objects to an object selection object (EObjectSelection m_Selection).
// Select all the objects from the coded image
3. Filter the selection of objects by removing all objects whose area is outside the range [50, 10 000].
// Remove objects too small or too large
m_Selection.RemoveUsingUnsignedIntegerFeature(EFeature_Area, 50, 10000, EDoubleThresholdMode_Outside);
4. Draw the selected objects and their ellipse of inertia with their diagonals.
// Draw all the selected objects
CodedImage.Draw(hDC, selection);

// Draw the ellipses of inertia with their diagonals, using a red pen
const ERGBColor redPen(255, 0, 0);
CodedImage.DrawFeature(hDC, redPen, EDrawableFeature_Ellipse, selection, 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, true);