

Required licenses


Recommended images

In the Deep Learning Additional Resources, the images from the folder EasyClassify/MiniWaffles/Images


[…]C:\Users\Public\Documents\Euresys\Open eVision 24.02\Sample Programs
\[LANGUAGE] samples
\Deep Learning Inspection\EasyClassifyMultiThreadInference

- In C++, the sample EasySegmentSupervisedMultiThreadInference illustrates a multithread inference for EasySegment Supervised.
- In Qt, the sample EasyLocateMultiThreadInference illustrates a multithread inference for EasyLocate.


This sample program demonstrates how to:

Perform a multithread inference with EasyClassify.
Implement external and internal multithreading.

Code highlights

1. Launch one acquisition thread running the function ImageLoop.
ThreadParameters param = new ThreadParameters(this, engine.SelectedItem.ToString(), device.SelectedItem.ToString(), precision.SelectedItem.ToString(), (int)internalThreads.Value, (int)batchSize.Value);		
acquisitionThread = new Thread(ImageLoop);				

2. The function ImageLoop pushes the images into an image queue.
ImageBatch batch = new ImageBatch(numImagesPerInference);

for (int j = 0; j < numImagesPerInference; j++)
  batch.Images[j] = new EImageC24();
  batch.Images[j].Load(mainForm.m_images[i + j]);
  batch.ImagesId[j] = i + j;

// Adds the batch of images to the queue and signals the processing threads about the new data.
lock (mainForm.locker)
3. The NumExternalThreads processing threads are created and run the function ClassificationLoop.
// Create the external threads
processingThreads = new Thread[((int)externalThreads.Value)];
for (int i = 0; i < externalThreads.Value; i++)
  processingThreads[i] = new Thread(ClassificationLoop);
4. The function ClassificationLoop invokes a delegate to pass the computed result to the main UI thread.
// Invoke the delegate with the results for updating the user interface.
mainForm.Invoke(mainForm.m_classificationFinishedDelegate, batch.ImagesId, result, stopWatch.ElapsedMilliseconds);
5. The delegate calls the method ClassificationFinished that updates the UI to display the result and the processing time for each image.
public void ClassificationFinished(int[] imagesId, EClassificationResult[] results, long processingTime)
    for (int i = 0; i < imagesId.Length; i++)
      m_detectedClasses[imagesId[i]] = results[i].BestLabel;
      m_processingTime[imagesId[i]] = processingTime;
      m_processed += 1;
      listView1.Items[imagesId[i]].SubItems[1].Text = results[i].BestLabel;
      listView1.Items[imagesId[i]].SubItems[2].Text = String.Format("{0} ms for {1} images", processingTime, imagesId.Length);
      listView1.Items[imagesId[i]].SubItems[3].Text = String.Format("{0} ms", processingTime / imagesId.Length);