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In the Deep Learning Additional Resources, the images from the folder EasyLocate


[…]C:\Users\Public\Documents\Euresys\Open eVision 24.02\Sample Programs
\[LANGUAGE] samples
\Deep Learning Inspection\EasyLocateMultiThreadInference

- In C++, the sample EasySegmentSupervisedMultiThreadInference illustrates a multithread inference for EasySegment Supervised.
- In C#, the sample EasyClassifyMultiThreadInference illustrates a multithread inference for EasyClassify.


This sample program demonstrates how to:

Perform a multithread inference with EasyLocate.
Implement external and internal multithreading.

Code highlights

1. Launch one acquisition thread running the AcquisitionThread.
// Acquisition thread creation
acquisitionThread_.reset(new AcquisitionThread(queue_.get(), images_));
connect(acquisitionThread_.get(), &AcquisitionThread::error, this, &MainWindow::showError);

2. The AcquisitionThread pushes the images into a custom image queue type named ImageQueue.
ImageInfo imageInfo;
imageInfo.ImageId = i;
EImageC24* img = new EImageC24();

imageInfo.Timestamp = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();

3. The program launches NumExternalThreads ProcessingThread.
// Processing threads creation
ProcessingThread::ExecutionParameters parameters;
parameters.NumInternalThreads = ui->internalThreads->value();
parameters.BatchSize = ui->batchSize->value();
parameters.Engine = ui->engines->currentText().toStdString();
parameters.Device = ui->devices->currentText().toStdString();
parameters.InferencePrecision = ui->precision->currentText().toStdString();
parameters.ToolFilename = toolFilename_.toStdString();

numResults_ = 0;
numThreadFinished_ = 0;

for (int i = 0; i < ui->externalThreads->value(); i++)
  processingThreads_.emplace_back(new ProcessingThread(queue_.get(), parameters));
4. The class ProcessingThread uses Qt signals and slots to pass the result to the method processResult of the main window.
The connection between the signal resultsReady and the slot processResult is made at the thread creation.
connect(processingThreads_.back().get(), &ProcessingThread::resultsReady, this, &MainWindow::processResult);
5. When the ProcessingThread completes the processing of an image, it emits a signal with the result.
std::vector<ELocatorResult> results = locator->Apply(imgs);
for (int i = 0; i < imageInfo.size(); i++)
  ImageResult result;
  result.ImageId = imageInfo[i].ImageId;
  result.Time = timing;
  result.Timestamp = imageInfo[i].Timestamp;
  result.Result.reset(new ELocatorResult(results[i]));

// Pass the result to another thread
emit resultsReady(imageResults);
6. The methods processResult update the UI and save the result for display.
void MainWindow::processResult(const QList<ImageResult>& results)
  // Display the results
  for (const auto& result: results)
    int numObjects = result.Result->GetNumDetectedObjects();
    ui->imageList->item(result.ImageId, 1)->setText(QString("%1 objects").arg(numObjects));
    ui->imageList->item(result.ImageId, 2)->setText(QString("%1 ms").arg(result.Time));
    ui->imageList->item(result.ImageId, 3)->setText(QString("%1 ms").arg(result.Time / results.size()));

    results_[result.ImageId] = result;
    numResults_ += 1;