
Imports YOLO TXT annotations (for EasyLocate Bounding Box).
You need to specify the list of labels associated with the YOLO TXT annotations through an array of string or through a file containing this list. This method may add new labels to the object labels.
The version that do not take an image index attempts to import the annotation from all images currently in the dataset.

Namespace: Euresys::Open_eVision::EasyDeepLearning


void ImportYOLOTXTAnnotations(
   int imgId,
   const std::string& labelFile

void ImportYOLOTXTAnnotations(
   const std::string& labelFile



The image index for which to import the annotation


Path to a file containing the label list


Imports YOLO TXT annotations (for EasyLocate Bounding Box).
You need to specify the list of labels associated with the YOLO TXT annotations through an array of string or through a file containing this list. This method may add new labels to the object labels.
The version that do not take an image index attempts to import the annotation from all images currently in the dataset.

Namespace: Euresys.Open_eVision.EasyDeepLearning


void ImportYOLOTXTAnnotations(
   int imgId,
   string labelFile

void ImportYOLOTXTAnnotations(
   string labelFile



The image index for which to import the annotation


Path to a file containing the label list