

Sets the maximum contrast gain. Its value must be strictly positive and over EDataAugmentation::MinContrastGain.

Namespace: Euresys::Open_eVision::EasyDeepLearning


float GetMaxContrastGain() const

void SetMaxContrastGain(float val)


Contrast transformation is performed by multiplying each mean-centered pixel value by a gain value taken between EDataAugmentation::MinContrastGain and EDataAugmentation::MaxContrastGain. A contrast transformation does not change the overall brightness of an image.


Sets the maximum contrast gain. Its value must be strictly positive and over EDataAugmentation::MinContrastGain.

Namespace: Euresys.Open_eVision.EasyDeepLearning


float MaxContrastGain

{ get; set; }


Contrast transformation is performed by multiplying each mean-centered pixel value by a gain value taken between EDataAugmentation::MinContrastGain and EDataAugmentation::MaxContrastGain. A contrast transformation does not change the overall brightness of an image.