

Classification threshold.
By default, the classification threshold will be equal to the classification threshold of the last unsupervised segmenter used to produce the results that compose this metric.
Some metrics such as EDeepLearningDefectDetectionMetrics::GetROCPoint, EDeepLearningDefectDetectionMetrics::GetAccuracy or EDeepLearningDefectDetectionMetrics depends on the classification threshold. By default, these methods will returns the metric corresponding to the classification threshold.

Namespace: Euresys::Open_eVision::EasyDeepLearning


float GetClassificationThreshold() const

void SetClassificationThreshold(float threshold)


Modifying the classification threshold in this class doesn't modify the classification threshold of the unsupervised segmenter.


Classification threshold.
By default, the classification threshold will be equal to the classification threshold of the last unsupervised segmenter used to produce the results that compose this metric.
Some metrics such as EDeepLearningDefectDetectionMetrics::GetROCPoint, EDeepLearningDefectDetectionMetrics::GetAccuracy or EDeepLearningDefectDetectionMetrics depends on the classification threshold. By default, these methods will returns the metric corresponding to the classification threshold.

Namespace: Euresys.Open_eVision.EasyDeepLearning


float ClassificationThreshold

{ get; set; }


Modifying the classification threshold in this class doesn't modify the classification threshold of the unsupervised segmenter.