

Auto-save period. The auto-save period is the number of training iterations between each automatic save of the model.
In order for the model to be automatically saved during the training, the tool must have been loaded or saved to a file. The path where the tool will be saved is either indicated by EDeepLearningTool::Path or the three paths EDeepLearningTool::SettingsPath, EDeepLearningTool::InferenceModelPath, and EDeepLearningTool::TrainingModelPath. If one of these path is empty, the corresponding part of the tool will not be saved automatically during training.
By default, auto save is disabled and the period is equal to 0.

Namespace: Euresys::Open_eVision::EasyDeepLearning


int GetAutoSavePeriod() const

void SetAutoSavePeriod(int period)


Auto-save period. The auto-save period is the number of training iterations between each automatic save of the model.
In order for the model to be automatically saved during the training, the tool must have been loaded or saved to a file. The path where the tool will be saved is either indicated by EDeepLearningTool::Path or the three paths EDeepLearningTool::SettingsPath, EDeepLearningTool::InferenceModelPath, and EDeepLearningTool::TrainingModelPath. If one of these path is empty, the corresponding part of the tool will not be saved automatically during training.
By default, auto save is disabled and the period is equal to 0.

Namespace: Euresys.Open_eVision.EasyDeepLearning


int AutoSavePeriod

{ get; set; }