

This property is deprecated.

Deprecated: Use EDeepLearningTool.
Enable the use of a GPU for training and inference of the deep learning tool. If the active engine is not the default engine, EDeepLearningTool::EnableGPU will be false even if the active device has a GPU device type. Setting EDeepLearningTool::EnableGPU to any value when the active engine is not the default one will throw an exception.

Namespace: Euresys::Open_eVision::EasyDeepLearning


bool GetEnableGPU() const

void SetEnableGPU(bool enable)


This property is deprecated.

Deprecated: Use EDeepLearningTool.
Enable the use of a GPU for training and inference of the deep learning tool. If the active engine is not the default engine, EDeepLearningTool::EnableGPU will be false even if the active device has a GPU device type. Setting EDeepLearningTool::EnableGPU to any value when the active engine is not the default one will throw an exception.

Namespace: Euresys.Open_eVision.EasyDeepLearning


bool EnableGPU

{ get; set; }