

Maximum proximity between two predicted objects regardless of their label.
The value of the parameter can be between
- 0 when the two objects are completely outside their respective zone of influence; and
- 1 when the two predicted objects are the same.
The actual implementation of the proximity depends on the type of locator tool.
A low value will reduce the amount of falsely detected objects but may increase the number of missed objects. A high value will increase the number of falsely detected objects and reduce the number of missed objects.
See also ELocator::AbsoluteMaxOverlap and EInterestPointLocator::AbsoluteMinDistance. Default value: 1.

Namespace: Euresys::Open_eVision::EasyDeepLearning


float GetAbsoluteMaxObjectProximity() const

void SetAbsoluteMaxObjectProximity(float val)


This parameter can be changed before and after training.


Maximum proximity between two predicted objects regardless of their label.
The value of the parameter can be between
- 0 when the two objects are completely outside their respective zone of influence; and
- 1 when the two predicted objects are the same.
The actual implementation of the proximity depends on the type of locator tool.
A low value will reduce the amount of falsely detected objects but may increase the number of missed objects. A high value will increase the number of falsely detected objects and reduce the number of missed objects.
See also ELocator::AbsoluteMaxOverlap and EInterestPointLocator::AbsoluteMinDistance. Default value: 1.

Namespace: Euresys.Open_eVision.EasyDeepLearning


float AbsoluteMaxObjectProximity

{ get; set; }


This parameter can be changed before and after training.