ELocatorObject Class

Object for a ELocator tool.

Derived Class(es):ELocatorPredictedObject

Namespace: Euresys::Open_eVision::EasyDeepLearning


Draws the object with its label.
Features of this locator object.
Height of the object.
Label of the object.
Object size for EasyLocate Interest points. This property is set by a EClassificationDataset or EInterestPointLocator instance.
Top-left corner X origin of the object.
Top-left corner y origin of the object.
X position of an object. When the object has a size, the position if the center of the bounding box.
Y position of an object without size. When the object has a size, the position if the center of the bounding box.
Rectangle region for the object. The region must be axis-aligned.
When the object has not the ELocatorFeature_Size feature, the width and height of the rectangle are equal to ELocatorObject property.
Width of the object.
Checks that the object has a locator feature.
Whether the locator object is valid.
Inequality operator.
Assignment operator
Equality operator.
Height of the object.
Label of the object.
Top-left corner X origin of the object.
Top-left corner y origin of the object.
Sets the position and size of an object using its top left origin, width, and height.
X position of an object. When the object has a size, the position if the center of the bounding box.
Y position of an object without size. When the object has a size, the position if the center of the bounding box.
Rectangle region for the object. The region must be axis-aligned.
When the object has not the ELocatorFeature_Size feature, the width and height of the rectangle are equal to ELocatorObject property.
Width of the object.

ELocatorObject Class

Object for a ELocator tool.

Derived Class(es):ELocatorPredictedObject

Namespace: Euresys.Open_eVision.EasyDeepLearning


Features of this locator object.
Height of the object.
Label of the object.
Object size for EasyLocate Interest points. This property is set by a EClassificationDataset or EInterestPointLocator instance.
Top-left corner X origin of the object.
Top-left corner y origin of the object.
X position of an object. When the object has a size, the position if the center of the bounding box.
Y position of an object without size. When the object has a size, the position if the center of the bounding box.
Rectangle region for the object. The region must be axis-aligned.
When the object has not the ELocatorFeature_Size feature, the width and height of the rectangle are equal to ELocatorObject property.
Width of the object.


Draws the object with its label.
Checks that the object has a locator feature.
Whether the locator object is valid.
Inequality operator.
Assignment operator
Equality operator.
Sets the position and size of an object using its top left origin, width, and height.