EPlaneFitter Class

A EPlaneFitter object is used to fit an E3DPlane on an EPointCloud.

Namespace: Euresys::Open_eVision::Easy3D


Constructor of an EPlaneFitter object.
Fits an E3DPlane on a given EPointCloud.
Sets/Gets the minimum number of samples required for fitting on each side of the shape.
By default, a value of 3 is assumed.
Loads the EPlaneFitter configuration. The given ESerializer must have been created for reading.
Assignment operator.
Saves the EPlaneFitter configuration. The given ESerializer must have been created for writing.
Sets/Gets the minimum number of samples required for fitting on each side of the shape.
By default, a value of 3 is assumed.

EPlaneFitter Class

A EPlaneFitter object is used to fit an E3DPlane on an EPointCloud.

Namespace: Euresys.Open_eVision.Easy3D


Sets/Gets the minimum number of samples required for fitting on each side of the shape.
By default, a value of 3 is assumed.


Constructor of an EPlaneFitter object.
Fits an E3DPlane on a given EPointCloud.
Loads the EPlaneFitter configuration. The given ESerializer must have been created for reading.
Assignment operator.
Saves the EPlaneFitter configuration. The given ESerializer must have been created for writing.