
Classification threshold that achieves the best F1-Score for blob detection.
See ESupervisedSegmenterMetrics::BlobDetectionBestFScore for the corresponding F1-Score.
See EDeepLearningDefectDetectionMetrics for a definition of the F1-Score. Blob detection is the ability of the segmenter to correctly detect foreground ground truth blobs, regardless of their specific label.

Namespace: Euresys::Open_eVision::EasyDeepLearning


float GetBlobDetectionBestFScoreThreshold() const


Classification threshold that achieves the best F1-Score for blob detection.
See ESupervisedSegmenterMetrics::BlobDetectionBestFScore for the corresponding F1-Score.
See EDeepLearningDefectDetectionMetrics for a definition of the F1-Score. Blob detection is the ability of the segmenter to correctly detect foreground ground truth blobs, regardless of their specific label.

Namespace: Euresys.Open_eVision.EasyDeepLearning


float BlobDetectionBestFScoreThreshold

{ get; }