EasyOCR2 - Reading Texts (Improved)

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EasyOCR2 is an optical recognition library designed to read short texts such as serial numbers, expiry dates or lot codes printed on labels or on parts.

It uses an innovative segmentation method to detect blobs in the image, and then places textboxes over the detected blobs following a user-defined topology (number of lines, words and characters in the text). These methods support text rotation up to 360 degrees, can handle non-uniform illumination, textured backgrounds, as well as dot-printed or fragmented characters.

A character type (letter / digit / symbol) can be specified for each character in the text, improving recognition rate and speed. The character database that is used for recognition can be learned from sample images or read from a TrueType font (.ttf) file.

Text recognition with EasyOCR2 follows four phases:



Input image (left) and image segmentation (right)


Fitting textboxes (left) and recognition (right)