
Confusion value of one label with another.
The confusion value of a label with another is the number of images belonging to this label that are classified as belonging to the other label.
For a EUnsupervisedSegmenterMetrics there are only 2 labels (good and defective) so the confusion matrix is only composed of 4 values which are called matrix element (see EUnsupervisedSegmenterMetrics).
The confusion matrix is computed for a given threshold (see EUnsupervisedSegmenter::ClassificationThreshold) which means an index can be passed to the method (see EUnsupervisedSegmenterMetrics::NumberOfClassifiers).

Namespace: Euresys::Open_eVision_2_11::EasyDeepLearning


OEV_UINT32 GetConfusion(
   Euresys::Open_eVision_2_11::EasyDeepLearning::EConfusionMatrixElement element,
   int index



The element from which to obtain the confusion value


The index of the classifier to use. If the index is '-1', the index corresponding to EUnsupervisedSegmenter::ClassificationThreshold will be used.


Confusion value of one label with another.
The confusion value of a label with another is the number of images belonging to this label that are classified as belonging to the other label.
For a EUnsupervisedSegmenterMetrics there are only 2 labels (good and defective) so the confusion matrix is only composed of 4 values which are called matrix element (see EUnsupervisedSegmenterMetrics).
The confusion matrix is computed for a given threshold (see EUnsupervisedSegmenter::ClassificationThreshold) which means an index can be passed to the method (see EUnsupervisedSegmenterMetrics::NumberOfClassifiers).

Namespace: Euresys.Open_eVision_2_11.EasyDeepLearning


uint GetConfusion(
   Euresys.Open_eVision_2_11.EasyDeepLearning.EConfusionMatrixElement element,
   int index



The element from which to obtain the confusion value


The index of the classifier to use. If the index is '-1', the index corresponding to EUnsupervisedSegmenter::ClassificationThreshold will be used.