
ROC (Receiver Operating Characteristic) point.
A ROC point is a point from the ROC curve which is the plot of the true positive rate against the false positive rate (see EConfusionMatrixElement) obtained at various classification threshold (see EUnsupervisedSegmenter::ClassificationThreshold).
The ROC points are stricly ordered by decreasing threshold order meaning the true positive rate and false positive rate (see EConfusionMatrixElement) are sorted in increasing order.

Namespace: Euresys::Open_eVision_2_11::EasyDeepLearning


EROCPoint GetROCPoint(
   int index



The index of the classifier to use. If the index is equal to '-1', the index corresponding to EUnsupervisedSegmenter::ClassificationThreshold will be used.


Each ROC point corresponds to a different classifier (see EUnsupervisedSegmenterMetrics::NumberOfClassifiers).
It means that the ROC curve is the perfect tool to choose a threshold depending on the false and true positive rate values that best suit your application.


ROC (Receiver Operating Characteristic) point.
A ROC point is a point from the ROC curve which is the plot of the true positive rate against the false positive rate (see EConfusionMatrixElement) obtained at various classification threshold (see EUnsupervisedSegmenter::ClassificationThreshold).
The ROC points are stricly ordered by decreasing threshold order meaning the true positive rate and false positive rate (see EConfusionMatrixElement) are sorted in increasing order.

Namespace: Euresys.Open_eVision_2_11.EasyDeepLearning


Euresys.Open_eVision_2_11.EasyDeepLearning.EROCPoint GetROCPoint(
   int index



The index of the classifier to use. If the index is equal to '-1', the index corresponding to EUnsupervisedSegmenter::ClassificationThreshold will be used.


Each ROC point corresponds to a different classifier (see EUnsupervisedSegmenterMetrics::NumberOfClassifiers).
It means that the ROC curve is the perfect tool to choose a threshold depending on the false and true positive rate values that best suit your application.