
Creates an E3DViewer object.

Namespace: Euresys::Open_eVision::Easy3D


void E3DViewer(
   int orgX,
   int orgY,
   int width,
   int height,
   void* parent

void E3DViewer(
   Euresys::Open_eVision::Easy3D::EUIAPI uiApi,
   int orgX,
   int orgY,
   int width,
   int height,
   void* parent

void E3DViewer(
   Euresys::Open_eVision::Easy3D::EUIAPI uiApi



X coordinate of the top left corner of the viewer window (only if uiApi is EUIAPI_Win32).


Y coordinate of the top left corner of the viewer window (only if uiApi is EUIAPI_Win32).


Width of the viewer window (only if uiApi is EUIAPI_Win32).


Height of the viewer window (only if uiApi is EUIAPI_Win32).


Handle of the parent window of the viewer. If NULL, the viewer is built as a independent floating window (only if uiApi is EUIAPI_Win32).


The User Interface API used by the parent application. See EUIAPI.


The origin point (orgX, orgY) defines the offset of the top left corner of the viewer from the top left corner of its parent window client area.
If the window has no parent, it defines the offset from the top left corner of the screen.
If the parent window is too small to contain the viewer, the viewer will be cropped accordingly.

When the parent application that use E3DViewer is a Qt application, call the constructor with EUIAPI_Qt.


Creates an E3DViewer object.

Namespace: Euresys.Open_eVision.Easy3D


void E3DViewer(
   int orgX,
   int orgY,
   int width,
   int height,
   IntPtr parent

void E3DViewer(
   Euresys.Open_eVision.Easy3D.EUIAPI uiApi,
   int orgX,
   int orgY,
   int width,
   int height,
   IntPtr parent

void E3DViewer(
   Euresys.Open_eVision.Easy3D.EUIAPI uiApi



X coordinate of the top left corner of the viewer window (only if uiApi is EUIAPI_Win32).


Y coordinate of the top left corner of the viewer window (only if uiApi is EUIAPI_Win32).


Width of the viewer window (only if uiApi is EUIAPI_Win32).


Height of the viewer window (only if uiApi is EUIAPI_Win32).


Handle of the parent window of the viewer. If NULL, the viewer is built as a independent floating window (only if uiApi is EUIAPI_Win32).


The User Interface API used by the parent application. See EUIAPI.


The origin point (orgX, orgY) defines the offset of the top left corner of the viewer from the top left corner of its parent window client area.
If the window has no parent, it defines the offset from the top left corner of the screen.
If the parent window is too small to contain the viewer, the viewer will be cropped accordingly.

When the parent application that use E3DViewer is a Qt application, call the constructor with EUIAPI_Qt.