
Index in the precision/recall curve for the current EDeepLearningDefectDetectionMetrics::ClassificationThreshold.
The value of the index is between 0 and EDeepLearningDefectDetectionMetrics::NumPrecisionRecallCurvePoint - 1. The index is -1 if the precision/recall curve is not defined.

Namespace: Euresys::Open_eVision::EasyDeepLearning


int GetPrecisionRecallCurveIndex() const


Index in the precision/recall curve for the current EDeepLearningDefectDetectionMetrics::ClassificationThreshold.
The value of the index is between 0 and EDeepLearningDefectDetectionMetrics::NumPrecisionRecallCurvePoint - 1. The index is -1 if the precision/recall curve is not defined.

Namespace: Euresys.Open_eVision.EasyDeepLearning


int PrecisionRecallCurveIndex

{ get; }