
Precision for blob detection given the current classification threshold (see EDeepLearningDefectDetectionMetrics::ClassificationThreshold).
The precision is the proportion of detected defective blobs that match ground truth defective blobs.
Blob detection is the ability of the segmenter to correctly detect foreground ground truth blobs, regardless of their specific label.

Namespace: Euresys::Open_eVision::EasyDeepLearning


float GetBlobDetectionPrecision() const


Precision for blob detection given the current classification threshold (see EDeepLearningDefectDetectionMetrics::ClassificationThreshold).
The precision is the proportion of detected defective blobs that match ground truth defective blobs.
Blob detection is the ability of the segmenter to correctly detect foreground ground truth blobs, regardless of their specific label.

Namespace: Euresys.Open_eVision.EasyDeepLearning


float BlobDetectionPrecision

{ get; }