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EOCR Class

Manages a complete context for the font-dependent printed character reader implemented in EasyOCR.

Namespace: Euresys::Open_eVision_2_5


Add a character coordinates to the list.
Adds a new pattern to the font.
Segments the source image, i.e. detects and labels the objects.
Returns the abscissa of the lower right corner of a recognized character.
Returns the ordinate of the lower right corner of a recognized character.
Returns the height of a recognized character.
Returns the abscissa of the upper left corner of a recognized character.
Returns the ordinate of the upper left corner of a recognized character.
Returns the abscissa of the lower right corner of a recognized character.
Returns the ordinate of the lower right corner of a recognized character.
Returns the abscissa of the upper left corner of a recognized character.
Returns the ordinate of the upper left corner of a recognized character.
Returns the width of a recognized character.
Draws the bounding box of a given character.
Draws the bounding boxes of all characters in the image.
Draws the bounding boxes of all characters in the image.
Draws the bounding box of a given character.
Empties the list of known characters.
Constructs an OCR context.
Locates the characters by filtering the objects according to their size, and grouping them if the segmentation mode is set to ESegmentationMode.
Spacing that separates characters.
Flag indicating whether the character aspect ratio is used to compute the recognition score.
Returns the degree of confidence in the recognized character.
Flag indicating whether the large chars cutting mode is used.
Returns the code of the pattern that matches at best a recognized character.
Computes the degree of similarity between the best matching pattern and a recognized character.
Matching mode to use to compare characters to the template.
Maximum character height.
Maximum character width.
Minimum character height.
Minimum character width.
Noise area.
Number of recognized characters.
Number of patterns in the current font.
Returns a pointer to an image holding the pattern of the given index. This image should not be modified.
Returns the class of a given pattern in the current font.
Returns the character code of a given pattern in the current font.
Current pattern height, as set at the last EOCR::NewFont or EOCR::Load operation.
Current pattern width, as set at the last EOCR::NewFont or EOCR::Load operation.
Relative spacing value.
Relative threshold used for image segmentation.
Flag indicating whether all blobs touching the ROI edges are automatically discarded.
Flag indicating whether the characters are discarded when either dimension falls below the minimum value
Returns the code of the pattern that matches at second best a recognized character.
Computes the degree of similarity between the second best matching pattern and a recognized character.
Segmentation mode.
Shifting mode to use to compare characters to the template.
Horizontal translation tolerance around the nominal position when the character positions are explicitly specified.
Vertical translation tolerance around the nominal position when the character positions are explicitly specified.
Text color.
Threshold mode used for image segmentation.
Absolute threshold level when using a single threshold.
Returns TRUE if the cursor is placed over the character specified by charIndex.
Returns TRUE if the cursor is placed over a character and sets the charIndex accordingly.
Adds a new pattern to the font.
Adds all the patterns from the source image to the font.
Reads a single character, i.e. finds the best match between the patterns in the font and the given character.
Empties the contents of the font and sets the size of the pattern array to be used from then on.
Copies all the data from another EOCR object into the current EOCR object
Reads one or more rows of characters, i.e. finds the best match between the patterns in the font and the segmented characters.
Reads one or more rows of characters, i.e. finds the best match between the patterns in the font and the segmented characters.
Achieves all processing phases (blob analysis, character segmentation and pattern recognition) in a single operation.
Achieves all processing phases (blob analysis, character segmentation and pattern recognition) in a single operation.
Removes a given pattern from the current font.
Spacing that separates characters.
Flag indicating whether the character aspect ratio is used to compute the recognition score.
Flag indicating whether the large chars cutting mode is used.
Matching mode to use to compare characters to the template.
Maximum character height.
Maximum character width.
Minimum character height.
Minimum character width.
Noise area.
Relative spacing value.
Relative threshold used for image segmentation.
Flag indicating whether all blobs touching the ROI edges are automatically discarded.
Flag indicating whether the characters are discarded when either dimension falls below the minimum value
Segmentation mode.
Shifting mode to use to compare characters to the template.
Horizontal translation tolerance around the nominal position when the character positions are explicitly specified.
Vertical translation tolerance around the nominal position when the character positions are explicitly specified.
Text color.
Threshold mode used for image segmentation.

EOCR Class

Manages a complete context for the font-dependent printed character reader implemented in EasyOCR.

Namespace: Euresys::Open_eVision_2_5


Spacing that separates characters.
Flag indicating whether the character aspect ratio is used to compute the recognition score.
Flag indicating whether the large chars cutting mode is used.
Matching mode to use to compare characters to the template.
Maximum character height.
Maximum character width.
Minimum character height.
Minimum character width.
Noise area.
Number of recognized characters.
Number of patterns in the current font.
Current pattern height, as set at the last EOCR::NewFont or EOCR::Load operation.
Current pattern width, as set at the last EOCR::NewFont or EOCR::Load operation.
Relative spacing value.
Relative threshold used for image segmentation.
Flag indicating whether all blobs touching the ROI edges are automatically discarded.
Flag indicating whether the characters are discarded when either dimension falls below the minimum value
Segmentation mode.
Shifting mode to use to compare characters to the template.
Horizontal translation tolerance around the nominal position when the character positions are explicitly specified.
Vertical translation tolerance around the nominal position when the character positions are explicitly specified.
Text color.
Threshold mode used for image segmentation.
Absolute threshold level when using a single threshold.


Add a character coordinates to the list.
Adds a new pattern to the font.
Segments the source image, i.e. detects and labels the objects.
Returns the abscissa of the lower right corner of a recognized character.
Returns the ordinate of the lower right corner of a recognized character.
Returns the height of a recognized character.
Returns the abscissa of the upper left corner of a recognized character.
Returns the ordinate of the upper left corner of a recognized character.
Returns the abscissa of the lower right corner of a recognized character.
Returns the ordinate of the lower right corner of a recognized character.
Returns the abscissa of the upper left corner of a recognized character.
Returns the ordinate of the upper left corner of a recognized character.
Returns the width of a recognized character.
Draws the bounding box of a given character.
Draws the bounding boxes of all characters in the image.
Draws the bounding boxes of all characters in the image.
Draws the bounding box of a given character.
Empties the list of known characters.
Constructs an OCR context.
Locates the characters by filtering the objects according to their size, and grouping them if the segmentation mode is set to ESegmentationMode.
Returns the degree of confidence in the recognized character.
Returns the code of the pattern that matches at best a recognized character.
Computes the degree of similarity between the best matching pattern and a recognized character.
Returns a pointer to an image holding the pattern of the given index. This image should not be modified.
Returns the class of a given pattern in the current font.
Returns the character code of a given pattern in the current font.
Returns the code of the pattern that matches at second best a recognized character.
Computes the degree of similarity between the second best matching pattern and a recognized character.
Returns TRUE if the cursor is placed over the character specified by charIndex.
Returns TRUE if the cursor is placed over a character and sets the charIndex accordingly.
Adds a new pattern to the font.
Adds all the patterns from the source image to the font.
Reads a single character, i.e. finds the best match between the patterns in the font and the given character.
Empties the contents of the font and sets the size of the pattern array to be used from then on.
Copies all the data from another EOCR object into the current EOCR object
Reads one or more rows of characters, i.e. finds the best match between the patterns in the font and the segmented characters.
Reads one or more rows of characters, i.e. finds the best match between the patterns in the font and the segmented characters.
Achieves all processing phases (blob analysis, character segmentation and pattern recognition) in a single operation.
Achieves all processing phases (blob analysis, character segmentation and pattern recognition) in a single operation.
Removes a given pattern from the current font.

EOCR Class

Manages a complete context for the font-dependent printed character reader implemented in EasyOCR.


Spacing that separates characters.
Flag indicating whether the character aspect ratio is used to compute the recognition score.
Flag indicating whether the large chars cutting mode is used.
Matching mode to use to compare characters to the template.
Maximum character height.
Maximum character width.
Minimum character height.
Minimum character width.
Noise area.
Number of recognized characters.
Number of patterns in the current font.
Current pattern height, as set at the last EOCR::NewFont or EOCR::Load operation.
Current pattern width, as set at the last EOCR::NewFont or EOCR::Load operation.
Relative spacing value.
Relative threshold used for image segmentation.
Flag indicating whether all blobs touching the ROI edges are automatically discarded.
Flag indicating whether the characters are discarded when either dimension falls below the minimum value
Segmentation mode.
Shifting mode to use to compare characters to the template.
Horizontal translation tolerance around the nominal position when the character positions are explicitly specified.
Vertical translation tolerance around the nominal position when the character positions are explicitly specified.
Text color.
Threshold mode used for image segmentation.
Absolute threshold level when using a single threshold.


Add a character coordinates to the list.
Adds a new pattern to the font.
Segments the source image, i.e. detects and labels the objects.
Returns the abscissa of the lower right corner of a recognized character.
Returns the ordinate of the lower right corner of a recognized character.
Returns the height of a recognized character.
Returns the abscissa of the upper left corner of a recognized character.
Returns the ordinate of the upper left corner of a recognized character.
Returns the abscissa of the lower right corner of a recognized character.
Returns the ordinate of the lower right corner of a recognized character.
Returns the abscissa of the upper left corner of a recognized character.
Returns the ordinate of the upper left corner of a recognized character.
Returns the width of a recognized character.
Draws the bounding box of a given character.
Draws the bounding boxes of all characters in the image.
Draws the bounding boxes of all characters in the image.
Draws the bounding box of a given character.
Empties the list of known characters.
Constructs an OCR context.
Locates the characters by filtering the objects according to their size, and grouping them if the segmentation mode is set to ESegmentationMode.
Returns the degree of confidence in the recognized character.
Returns the code of the pattern that matches at best a recognized character.
Computes the degree of similarity between the best matching pattern and a recognized character.
Returns a pointer to an image holding the pattern of the given index. This image should not be modified.
Returns the class of a given pattern in the current font.
Returns the character code of a given pattern in the current font.
Returns the code of the pattern that matches at second best a recognized character.
Computes the degree of similarity between the second best matching pattern and a recognized character.
Returns TRUE if the cursor is placed over the character specified by charIndex.
Returns TRUE if the cursor is placed over a character and sets the charIndex accordingly.
Adds a new pattern to the font.
Adds all the patterns from the source image to the font.
Reads a single character, i.e. finds the best match between the patterns in the font and the given character.
Empties the contents of the font and sets the size of the pattern array to be used from then on.
Copies all the data from another EOCR object into the current EOCR object
Reads one or more rows of characters, i.e. finds the best match between the patterns in the font and the segmented characters.
Reads one or more rows of characters, i.e. finds the best match between the patterns in the font and the segmented characters.
Achieves all processing phases (blob analysis, character segmentation and pattern recognition) in a single operation.
Achieves all processing phases (blob analysis, character segmentation and pattern recognition) in a single operation.
Removes a given pattern from the current font.

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