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ECircle Class

Represents a model of a circle (or arc) in EasyGauge.

Base Class: EFrame

Namespace: Euresys::Open_eVision_2_10


Copies all the data of the current ECircle object into another ECircle object and returns it.
Returns the smallest distance between this ECircle object an another ECircle.
Constructs a ECircle object.
Angular amplitude of the ECircle object.
Apex point coordinates of a ECircle object.
Angular position at the apex of a ECircle object.
Circle arc length of a ECircle object.
Diameter of a ECircle object.
Flag indicating whether positive angles correspond to a clockwise or an anticlockwise rotation.
Computes the distance between a line and a circle.
Computes the distance between a point and a circle.
End point coordinates of a ECircle object.
Angular position of the end of a ECircle object.
Flag indicating whether the ECircle object is a full circle or not.
Computes the intersections between two circles. Returns the number of intersections and stores the found intersections in the provided point parameters.
Computes the intersections between a line and circle. Returns the number of intersections and stores the found intersections in the provided point parameters.
Origin point coordinates of a ECircle object.
Angular position from where the ECircle object extents.
Returns the coordinates of a particular point specified by its location along the circle arc.
Computes the projection of a point on a circle.
Radius of a ECircle object.
Copies all the data from another ECircle object into the current ECircle object
Angular amplitude of the ECircle object.
Diameter of a ECircle object.
Sets the geometric parameters (nominal position and diameter, angular position and amplitude) of an ECircle object.
Sets the geometric parameters (nominal position and diameter, angular position and amplitude) of an ECircle object.
Radius of a ECircle object.

ECircle Class

Represents a model of a circle (or arc) in EasyGauge.

Base Class: EFrame

Namespace: Euresys.Open_eVision_2_10


Angular amplitude of the ECircle object.
Apex point coordinates of a ECircle object.
Angular position at the apex of a ECircle object.
Circle arc length of a ECircle object.
Diameter of a ECircle object.
Flag indicating whether positive angles correspond to a clockwise or an anticlockwise rotation.
End point coordinates of a ECircle object.
Angular position of the end of a ECircle object.
Flag indicating whether the ECircle object is a full circle or not.
Origin point coordinates of a ECircle object.
Angular position from where the ECircle object extents.
Radius of a ECircle object.


Copies all the data of the current ECircle object into another ECircle object and returns it.
Returns the smallest distance between this ECircle object an another ECircle.
Constructs a ECircle object.
Computes the distance between a line and a circle.
Computes the distance between a point and a circle.
Computes the intersections between two circles. Returns the number of intersections and stores the found intersections in the provided point parameters.
Computes the intersections between a line and circle. Returns the number of intersections and stores the found intersections in the provided point parameters.
Returns the coordinates of a particular point specified by its location along the circle arc.
Computes the projection of a point on a circle.
Copies all the data from another ECircle object into the current ECircle object
Sets the geometric parameters (nominal position and diameter, angular position and amplitude) of an ECircle object.
Sets the geometric parameters (nominal position and diameter, angular position and amplitude) of an ECircle object.

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