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ERectangleGauge Class

Manages a rectangle fitting gauge.

Base Class: ERectangleShape

Namespace: Euresys::Open_eVision_2_10


Adds an item to the set of skip ranges and returns the index of the newly added range.
Copies all the data of the current ERectangleGauge object into another ERectangleGauge object, and returns it.
Disables inner sampled point filtering.
Moves a handle to a new position and updates the position parameters of the gauge.
Draws a graphical representation of a point location or model fitting gauge, as defined by EDrawingMode.
Draws a graphical representation of a point location or model fitting gauge, as defined by EDrawingMode.
Constructs a rectangle measurement context.
Active edges as defined in EDragHandle.
Average distance between the sampled points and the fitted model.
Relative filtering threshold, that is the fraction of the average distance between the sampled points and the fitted model above which a point is filtered out.
Status of the restriction on the orientation of the point location gauge or model fitting sample paths.
Getter method for the GetInnerFilteringEnabled property. This property is the flag indicating if the inner sampled point filtering is enabled (TRUE).
Sampled point inner filtering threshold.
Flag indicating whether the rotation angle of the rectangle to be fitted is known or not.
Returns the coordinates of a sample point, measured along one of the sample paths of the gauge.
Information pertaining to the fitted rectangle.
Offset added to the Threshold when a peak is to be detected.
Minimum area value.
Returns the minimum number of samples required for fitting on each side of the shape.
Number of filtering passes for a model fitting operation.
Number of sampled points during the model fitting operation.
Number of sampled points found on edge x during the measure operation.
Number of sampled points found on edge X during the measure operation.
Number of sampled points found on edge y during the measure operation.
Number of sampled points found on edge Y during the measure operation.
Number of skip ranges in the gauge after a call to ERectangleGauge::AddSkipRange.
Number of valid sample points remaining after a model fitting operation.
Flag indicating whether the sampling area remains a rectangle when rotated, instead of becoming a parallelogram.
Allows to retrieve information on the samples found along the x edge.
Allows to retrieve information on the samples found along the X edge.
Allows to retrieve information on the samples found along the y edge.
Allows to retrieve information on the samples found along the Y edge.
Approximate distance between sampled points during a model fitting operation.
Allows to retrieve the start and end values of the skip range corresponding to the given index, if it is valid (i.e. if it has previously been created by a call to the ERectangleGauge::AddSkipRange method.
Number of pixels used for the low-pass filtering operation.
Number of parallel segments used to extract the data profile.
Threshold level used to delimit significant peaks in the data profile.
Searching area half thickness of the rectangle fitting gauge.
Transition choice.
Index (from 0 on) of the transition to be retained when the transition choice parameter is set to ETransitionChoice_NthFromBegin or ETransitionChoice_NthFromEnd.
Transition type.
Shape type.
Flag indicating if at least one valid transition has been found.
Checks whether the cursor is positioned over a handle (TRUE) or not (FALSE).
Triggers the point location or the model fitting operation.
Computes the sample points along the sample path whose index in the list is given by the pathIndex parameter.
Triggers the point location without rectangle fitting operation.
Copies all the data from another ERectangleGauge object into the current ERectangleGauge object
Draws the profile that is crossed by one of the sample paths of the gauge, as defined by EPlotItem.
Draws the profile that is crossed by one of the sample paths of the gauge, as defined by EPlotItem.
Triggers the process pertaining to a shape or gauge and all the daughter gauges attach to it.
Removes all the skip ranges previously created by a call to ERectangleGauge::AddSkipRange.
After a call to ERectangleGauge::AddSkipRange, removes the skip range with the given index.
Sets the flag indicating whether the gauge is active or not.
Active edges as defined in EDragHandle.
Relative filtering threshold, that is the fraction of the average distance between the sampled points and the fitted model above which a point is filtered out.
Status of the restriction on the orientation of the point location gauge or model fitting sample paths.
Sampled point inner filtering threshold.
Flag indicating whether the rotation angle of the rectangle to be fitted is known or not.
Offset added to the Threshold when a peak is to be detected.
Minimum area value.
Sets the minimum number of samples required for fitting on each side of the shape.
Number of filtering passes for a model fitting operation.
Flag indicating whether the sampling area remains a rectangle when rotated, instead of becoming a parallelogram.
Approximate distance between sampled points during a model fitting operation.
Number of pixels used for the low-pass filtering operation.
Number of parallel segments used to extract the data profile.
Threshold level used to delimit significant peaks in the data profile.
Searching area half thickness of the rectangle fitting gauge.
Transition choice.
Index (from 0 on) of the transition to be retained when the transition choice parameter is set to ETransitionChoice_NthFromBegin or ETransitionChoice_NthFromEnd.
Transition type.

ERectangleGauge Class

Manages a rectangle fitting gauge.

Base Class: ERectangleShape

Namespace: Euresys.Open_eVision_2_10


Sets the flag indicating whether the gauge is active or not.
Active edges as defined in EDragHandle.
Average distance between the sampled points and the fitted model.
Relative filtering threshold, that is the fraction of the average distance between the sampled points and the fitted model above which a point is filtered out.
Status of the restriction on the orientation of the point location gauge or model fitting sample paths.
Getter method for the GetInnerFilteringEnabled property. This property is the flag indicating if the inner sampled point filtering is enabled (TRUE).
Sampled point inner filtering threshold.
Flag indicating whether the rotation angle of the rectangle to be fitted is known or not.
Information pertaining to the fitted rectangle.
Offset added to the Threshold when a peak is to be detected.
Minimum area value.
Number of filtering passes for a model fitting operation.
Number of sampled points during the model fitting operation.
Number of sampled points found on edge x during the measure operation.
Number of sampled points found on edge X during the measure operation.
Number of sampled points found on edge y during the measure operation.
Number of sampled points found on edge Y during the measure operation.
Number of skip ranges in the gauge after a call to ERectangleGauge::AddSkipRange.
Number of valid sample points remaining after a model fitting operation.
Flag indicating whether the sampling area remains a rectangle when rotated, instead of becoming a parallelogram.
Approximate distance between sampled points during a model fitting operation.
Number of pixels used for the low-pass filtering operation.
Number of parallel segments used to extract the data profile.
Threshold level used to delimit significant peaks in the data profile.
Searching area half thickness of the rectangle fitting gauge.
Transition choice.
Index (from 0 on) of the transition to be retained when the transition choice parameter is set to NthFromBegin or NthFromEnd.
Transition type.
Shape type.
Flag indicating if at least one valid transition has been found.


Adds an item to the set of skip ranges and returns the index of the newly added range.
Copies all the data of the current ERectangleGauge object into another ERectangleGauge object, and returns it.
Disables inner sampled point filtering.
Moves a handle to a new position and updates the position parameters of the gauge.
Draws a graphical representation of a point location or model fitting gauge, as defined by EDrawingMode.
Draws a graphical representation of a point location or model fitting gauge, as defined by EDrawingMode.
Constructs a rectangle measurement context.
Returns the coordinates of a sample point, measured along one of the sample paths of the gauge.
Returns the minimum number of samples required for fitting on each side of the shape.
Allows to retrieve information on the samples found along the x edge.
Allows to retrieve information on the samples found along the X edge.
Allows to retrieve information on the samples found along the y edge.
Allows to retrieve information on the samples found along the Y edge.
Allows to retrieve the start and end values of the skip range corresponding to the given index, if it is valid (i.e. if it has previously been created by a call to the ERectangleGauge::AddSkipRange method.
Checks whether the cursor is positioned over a handle (TRUE) or not (FALSE).
Triggers the point location or the model fitting operation.
Computes the sample points along the sample path whose index in the list is given by the pathIndex parameter.
Triggers the point location without rectangle fitting operation.
Copies all the data from another ERectangleGauge object into the current ERectangleGauge object
Draws the profile that is crossed by one of the sample paths of the gauge, as defined by EPlotItem.
Draws the profile that is crossed by one of the sample paths of the gauge, as defined by EPlotItem.
Triggers the process pertaining to a shape or gauge and all the daughter gauges attach to it.
Removes all the skip ranges previously created by a call to ERectangleGauge::AddSkipRange.
After a call to ERectangleGauge::AddSkipRange, removes the skip range with the given index.
Sets the minimum number of samples required for fitting on each side of the shape.

See also in the Code Snippets

Rectangle Fitting

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